Welcome Jigsaw Members!

  1. Attend our stage event with the Jigsaw CEO Peter Davies this Thursday 6/24 @ 7 pm PST (10 pm EST) on our Discord.
  2. Check out our premium rooms and services
    • Gold is our most popular tier.
    • Platinum is suggested for more intermediate and advanced traders.
      • Discussions on futures trading are available.
    • To get in our server without signing up, please see below for Discord navigation steps.
  3. Use code JIGSAW for an exclusive 15% off Gold & Platinum plans.

Discord Navigation and Entry Steps:

  1. Join our Discord server, then agree to the server rules.
  2. Please feel free to watch our Discord Tutorial.
  3. Unlock premium channels by subscribing through our website.
  4. Once you’ve subscribed, make sure to authorize your Discord account.

Room Leaders Wanted!

  1. We are looking for 2 experienced futures traders to join our team and lead our futures trading discussions.
  2. If interested please email us or message @zhangsta#0001 on Discord.
  3. Once accepted, you will get free access to the entire premium community.
  4. Potentially host your own VIP Room if interest is there in the future.

Server Stats

22,000+ Total Members
3,700+ Members Online
1,000+ Experienced Traders
40+ Notable Traders (who contribute daily in our premium rooms)

2,500+ Subscribers

Community like Family

Besides having the market as a common interest, we also have networking channels, breakroom hangouts, game nights and movie nights!

Education First

Included in our free resources we have the following channels: #newbie-faq, #trading-resouces, #ask-an-expert and #reflect-and-learn. All channels are dedicated to educating novice traders about stocks, options, and crypto trading.

Informed Trading

All of the channels in Basic and Premium are structured and designed to help you make the most informed trading decisions. From live news alerts, trade ideas, to our active market chat - all serve as valuable resources to help you stay informed.

Consistency is Key

Here in LKS, we don’t preach fast money, quick profits. We want to teach you how to fish. Consistent modest gains is greater than insane one time returns in the long run.

A message from our co-founder, Angela:

When I first started trading, I wasn’t expecting to wake up every day to watch the markets and news. But slowly I got more and more interested because I enjoy keeping up with everything (tech, innovations, politics, business, finance), and I definitely was not as “in tune” with the world prior to entering the markets. When I started LKS, I definitely wasn’t expecting it to grow into what it is now. It was initially created due to popular demand in my DMs, people just wanted to trade with a bigger community and bounce ideas off each other. LKS has been evolving every month, every week, every day! As new people join, experienced or not, you each have added value and knowledge to the group in ways greater than you know. Shoutout to all notable traders that offer valuable daily insight and helping out any novice traders. I’ve grown so close with my team as well and I hope to one day meet up with ya’ll. I’m glad to have you guys, especially during these strange times, when I feel lonely, I know I still have a family here on LKS. Plus, you guys keep me accountable and inspire me to be better – the services we offer not only help you guys but also help us founders become better traders as well! There’s still so much to learn in the markets, and I’m glad I have everyone to learn it with!